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Klaus Härö

  • Attitude & Change
  • Communication & Interaction
  • Creativity/innovation
  • Internationalization
  • Learning
  • Team Work
Klaus Härö is one of Finland’s most applauded filmmakers. His films have represented his country at the Oscar’s, been nominated for a Golden Globe and won numerous international awards, including the prestigious Crystal Bear and Ingmar Bergman-award.

As a speaker, Härö is one of a kind. Despite the acclaim, Härö shares his vison of teamwork with a deeply personal approach. The core of his message is the need to pull together in order to achieve common goals. His humor and strong presence capture the audience, be that live event or on-line.

Teemat: Johtaminen | Tiimityöskentely | Luovuus | Tiimityö elokuvassa – paakkelsia vai pakkopullaa? | Elokuvan synty – yksin vaiko yhdessä? | Yhteistyö – yäk vaiko yhteen hiileen?


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