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Keynote Speakers

Paula Kilpinen

  • Growth/development
  • Leadership
  • Learning
  • Society/future
Paula Kilpinen (KTT) is an executive advisor, business coach and writer with a passion for more humane working life. She has served as CEO, strategic advisor, researcher and business coach, and has coached dozens of companies and hundreds of executives.  She has written an award-winning doctoral thesis, and a book called Humanizing Strategy which became one of the most talked about books of the spring.  Paula Kilpinen was selected as one of the 25 CEO influencers in the Kauppalehti Fakta survey in 2020.

Paula is also a mother of five boys, and is very active on many fronts. She inspires you to design your own working life and encourages continuous learning and renewal. Paula’s speeches are a combination of academic research and practical relevance suitable for everyday life, with a human and personal touch.  Each of her speeches is an inspiring invitation to dialogue, inclusion and action.


The most in-demand themes (each speech can consist of one or more themes).

Humanizing strategy: The speech challenges the audience to think about why strategic thinking aimed at winning and defeating opponents undermines companies more than grows them. And why the age-old war rhetoric has come to an end. For those who have always wondered why the strategy does not get implemented, the speech gives an answer how to inspire people to put the strategy into action. For the strategy itself does nothing, without the people committed with their hearts and minds.  A human strategy is one in which everyone feels like a valuable part of the strategy.


Human responsibility: Paula inspires listeners to think about what human responsibility is and why it should be as important as environmental sustainability.  In the transformation of working life, people are increasingly looking to their own employer as a responsible and humane actor – or leaving a company that does not respond to this call. They want to be treated as people, not just as workers or resources. Paula’s speech provides tools for humane and impactful encounters.


Purpose and meaning: People are looking for more and more meaning in their work. But how do you make the purpose of the company ignite a sense of meaning, and how to lead it in everyday life?  The speech explains how the strategy can respond to people’s longing for the meaning, learning and inclusion at work.


Capabilities and renewal as drivers of growth: Over the next few years, more than half of the working population will need new skills at work. How to identify the skills needed in the future, and how to ignite the learning to serve the company’s strategy?  Paula opens up how strategic capabilities are identified and how they are managed to support the company’s growth.


Human and impactful management: How to ignite people’s will, capability, inclusion and action towards a common goal? Paula offers a concrete toolbox for humane and impacful leadership.  In human leadership, encounters and dialogues replace communication and presentations. Appreciation, empathy and curiosity replace expertise. People don’t want a hero, but rather an authentic person as a leader.


The future of work: How will working life change and how to navigate the working life and hybrid model of work? What kind of strategy, culture, leadership and competences will be needed in the future working life?


Public references: Chamber of Commerce, Helsingin Ekonomit, Alma, BIG (HR Executive Nordic, AI and Business Strategies), Henry ry, DNA

Teemat: Ihmillinen strategia | Vaikuttava johtajuus | Tulevaisuuden työelämä | Uudistuskyvykkyys kasvun ajurina | Ihmisvastuullisuus


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