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Galith (Sarah) Nadbornik

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“As a company undergoes transformation, it is often tempting to jump straight from ideas to technology. I know how much easier it is to talk about getting a new sales gadget than it is to talk about re-evaluating the global sales process to accommodate the new business models shaping our industry. Still, we will have to have that conversation because the reality is: Technology will solve nothing; people will”

This and many more difficult conversations are at the core of my transformations stories. Via my unique perspective working as an atypical business technology executive in some of the largest Finnish companies, I always craft a personalized message that will make you and your team laugh, cry and more importantly get to that ”Ahaa!” moment that inevitably helps to unlock our immense collective potential and help you create authentic and lasting value.

Teemat: Stories from the millenial CIO | Embrace your weird | Forget sense of urgency instead create sense of ”gravity” | ”You are here” how drawing a map can help you find your way


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