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Patrick Schwerdtfeger

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  • Kasvu & Kehittäminen
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Patrick Schwerdtfeger is a business futurist specializing in technology trends including artificial intelligence, blockchain, and disruptive innovation. He is a top futurist keynote speaker and a recognized authority on global business trends, AI, and social media. As CEO & Founder of Trend Mastery, a strategic consulting agency, Patrick helps his clients identify ground-breaking business opportunities. His work focuses on providing insights into the technological forces driving the transformation of businesses around the world. Patrick’s work impacts Fortune 500 companies and vertical markets including technology, financial services, manufacturing and retail among others. Thought leader, global speaker, business futurist and author; trust Patrick to deliver insights & buzz to your upcoming event. Patrick has spoken at hundreds of events around the world. His global experience is apparent from the moment he takes the stage and his executive approach leaves audiences with strategic insights and perspective. Patrick’s knowledge of geopolitical dynamics, demographic shifts and technology trends combine to make his audiences feel both educated and understood. Regardless of the location, Patrick will help make your agenda thought-provoking and memorable. Patrick has been a full-time professional speaker since 2007. He got his start after his “Beyond the Rate” podcast (focused on mortgages and the real estate industry) gained popularity in 2006. During the subprime ‘mortgage meltdown’ (2007) and ensuing financial crisis (2008), he was interviewed regularly on mainstream media and soon began speaking at business events and conferences. He covered developments in the collapsing financial markets and, before long, spoke about the burgeoning field of podcasting and social media as well. Patrick is also the host of the video blog Strategic Business Insights. Strategic Business Insights has over 20,000 subscribers and four million views on YouTube. Patrick’s award-winning book Pandemic, Inc. (2020, Authority Publishing) covers 8 trends that are accelerating as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine. We have never needed business leadership more than now, and this book offers guidance to survive, pivot, and rebuild after the crisis is over. He is also the author of the award-winning book Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed (2011, Wiley). Patrick’s past books include Webify Your Business: Internet Marketing Secrets for the Self-Employed (2009) and Make Yourself Useful: Marketing in the 21st Century (2008). He has been featured by the New York Times, LA Times, San Francisco Chronicle, CNN Money, Fortune, Bloomberg Businessweek, the Associated Press, MONEY Magazine and Forbes, among others. Teemat: Big Data and Artificial Intelligence | Embracing Disruptive Innovation | Marketing Strategy and Social Media | Think Bigger! (Leadership) | The Future of Work | The Impact of Digital Tech on Business | Blockchain Protocol and Cryptocurrencies

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