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13 elokuun 2021


Tulevaisuus puhuttaa tässä epävarmassa tilanteessa yrityksiä ja organisaatioita nyt enemmän kuin koskaan. Emme kuitenkaan voi jäädä odottelemaan mitä tulevaisuus tuo...

Tulevaisuus puhuttaa tässä epävarmassa tilanteessa yrityksiä ja organisaatioita nyt enemmän kuin koskaan. Emme kuitenkaan voi jäädä odottelemaan mitä tulevaisuus tuo tullessaan. Tulevaisuuteen pitää pystyä valmistautumaan – nyt. Jotta pystyisimme tähän, meidän täytyisi pystyä tulkitsemaan ympärillämme jyllääviä jatkuvia muutoksia sekä ehdottomasti seurata tunnustettujen futuristien tutkimustuloksia, havaintoja ja johtopäätöksiä, joita he pystyvät vetämään ympärillämme vallitsevista heikoistakin signaaleista. Olen nostanut tähän syksyn ensimmäiseen kansainväliseen uutiskirjeeseeni yhden tämän hetken tunnetuimmista pohjoismaisista, kansainvälisesti tunnustetun ja arvostetun futuristin Stefan Hyttforsin:

stefan H
Stefan Hyttfors is an award-winning keynote speaker and author, focused on disruptive technologies, behavioral change, and next-generation leadership. Stefan has a background as a journalist and economist. He has been awarded the Swedish speaker of the year two times. According to Stefan the future is not to be predicted, it is to be created. His vision is to help companies and individuals embrace change on a global scale to create a better future.

His mission is to make you ready for change:

His mission is to make you ready for change: ”There are two kinds of change. There is falling, and there is jumping. Falling is when someone pushes you off a cliff. At best, it takes seconds to go through the stages – horror, panic, flapping limbs, getting ready for impact – before landing. At worst? At worst, you are still panicking after you’ve hit the ground. Jumping is different from falling. When you jump, you decide the approach. You decide whether to flap your arms or turn your jacket into a makeshift parachute. The ground might still be coming quickly at you, you might get hurt, but you are in control, you can adjust damages, and you might even land in a better place than where you started. Jumping is thrilling. We are all being pushed towards a cliff. The world is changing and so are you. Change is part of life. Your employment is not forever, neither is the way you interact with others or the things you hold to be true. You could use your energy to hinder change, put your feet down, and push until you lose your footing. Or you can face the cliff, take a deep breath – and jump. Change is what makes life fun, what makes each generation more well off than the one before, and what makes this a great time to be alive. It’s a relentless tide that we can either fight against or ride. I prefer riding it, and I want to help you do the same”.

Tässä esittely Stefanin tuoreimmasta puheenvuoron aiheesta, joka kannattaa muistaa, kun suunnittelet organisaatiosi seuraavaa tilaisuutta:

IT’S TIME FOR OPTIMISM! After a decade of dystopia, financial crisis, global terrorism, climate change, jobless growth, populism, big tech, and ultimately the corona pandemic, it’s time for change. The transformation to sustainable growth is the foundation for future success, and we are in the beginning of the beginning of this new paradigm of unimaginable wealth and prosperity. Governments will face increased pressure to legislate and tax unsustainable business models, so investors are looking for sustainable solutions to lower risk. Employees will want to work for companies with a solid vision for a better future, so the cost to attract and attain talent will be of interest beyond HR. Consumers will gain access to information about your supply chain and make decisions based on more than price and quality, this is already an opportunity for differentiation. Technology ultimately means we can do more with less, so in the end, anything unsustainable will be outcompeted due to its inefficiency. Today we can see this in energy and automobiles, tomorrow it will be the reality in all industries. When everything is as usual, but nothing like it used to be. The big risk is not to lose the old. The big risk is to miss out on THE NEW. Stefan is a combination of a stand up comedian and thoughtful key note speaker. He delivers energy and laughs while at the same time making you reflect upon today’s challenges and how to tackle the unknown future. Stefan’s topics include : Digitalization, Sustainability, Next-generation leadership, Future of work, Trust as a differentiator. Lue lisää Stefanista!

I’m convinced there’s only one source of security in life, and that’s your belief in your own ability. You need confidence to take risks. And throughout my life I’ve had a feeling that whatever situation I get into I will handle it. My favorite question is simply: Why not?” – Stefan Hyttfors
Ole yhteydessä, autan mielelläni seuraavan tilaisuutenne suunnittelussa! Energistä syksyn alkua, Susanna Hagelstam Senior Account Manager, International Speaker Relations +358 46 923 1322

13 elokuun 2021


Tulevaisuus puhuttaa tässä epävarmassa tilanteessa yrityksiä ja organisaatioita nyt enemmän kuin koskaan. Emme kuitenkaan voi jäädä odottelemaan mitä tulevaisuus tuo...