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3 joulukuun 2020

Never ever give up! Start next year with great adventurers!

Evento: "Puhuja kruunaa tapahtuman – vaikuttava sisältö herättää uusia ajatuksia"

Raskas vuosi 2020 lähenee loppuaan. Ensi vuodesta toivomme valoisampaa, kuin tämä haastava vuosi on olosuhteiden osalta ollut meille kaikille. Suunnataan nyt katseet rohkeasti ja luottavaisesti ensi vuoteen – ja suunnitellaan v. 2021 alkamaan inspiroivin, innostavin ja motivoitunein mielin!

Olen nostanut sinulle ajatuksella tähän marraskuun kansainväliseen uutiskirjeeseemme neljä suurta ja rohkeaa seikkailijaa. Tuomaan inspiraatiota, luomaan innostusta tulevaisuuden haasteista selviytymiseen ja kohottamaan ensi vuoden alun kick-offinne tai muiden tilaisuuksienne tunnelman uudelle tasolle.

Virtuaaliset tapahtumat mahdollistavat nyt entistäkin helpommin ja kustannustehokkaammin kansainvälisten huippuasiantuntijoiden hyödyntämisen yrityksesi sisäisissä ja ulkoisissa tilaisuuksissa.

Asiakkaanamme olet myös tervetullut hyödyntämään MySpeaker Studiotamme. Tässä lisätietoa virtuaalistudiostamme

Olethan meihin yhteydessä, niin olemme mielellämme avuksi tapahtumienne puhujasisältöjen sekä virtuaaliratkaisuiden osalta.

Uskotaan yhdessä tulevaan!
Susanna Hagelstam, International Speaker Relations

Lewis Gordon Pugh, Explorer, World Record Swimmer and Environmentalist:

Lewis’ inspiring stories of leading expeditions in Polar Regions, in the most ferocious conditions imaginable, never fails to captivate an audience. His talks make a difference – to both individuals, and organisations.

Lewis is an ocean advocate, pioneer swimmer and explorer who has put his hard-learned lessons into the context of a corporate environment. He shares the visualisation that enabled him to undertake the first swim across the sub-zero waters of the North Pole.

Lewisin aiheita:  Achieving the Impossible |Goal Setting | Teamwork | Motivation and Inspiration | Power of the Mind.

”I learned two basic lessons on Everest. First, just because something has worked in the past does not mean it will work today. Second, different challenges require different mindsets”

Lewis Gordon Pugh

Kenton Cool, Everest Climber, High Altitude Leader & Engaging Speaker:

In his presentations Kenton explores the direct comparisons between summit expeditions and business, focusing on the themes of teambuilding, leadership, motivation and facing personal fears in adverse situations. His years in the mountains, both a climber and Expedition Leader have taught him how to face and overcome challenges, whilst bringing out the best in those around him.
As a high altitude leader, Kenton says he ”fulfils others’ dreams” by enabling his clients to reach the top of the world’s highest mountain. He has great insights in decision making, mitigating risk, adapting to change, building great teams and empowering individuals.

Kentonin aiheita: Overcoming and Facing Challenges | Touching the Sky: Inspiring to Succeed | Inspiration |Team Building | Leadership: Adapt to Change | Be The Best You Can Be | Time Critical Decisions | Facing Personal Fears in Adverse Situations.

”Leading teams into uncertain danger in the mountains (and bringing them back alive) provides valuable guidance about the criteria for a peak performing team. What are the ’must-haves’ when the stakes are unsettlingly high? I will tell you how!”

Kenton Cool

Cathy O’Dowd, The First Woman to Summit Everest from North & South Sides:

Cathy shares her insights about individuals and teams under intense stress in the face of overwhelming challenge with her corporate audiences. Her stories touch on themes of importance to anyone trying to run successful projects and get the best out of people. Cathy also helps businesses to tackle an uncertain world by learning to think like an explorer and she utilises the latest technology to gain audience participation in the expedition decision making process.

Cathyn aiheita:Reaching New Heights: Teamwork & Leadership from the Slopes of Mount Everest | Think Like An Explorer: Doing What Has Never Been Done Before | Goal Setting | Motivation & Inspiration | Overcoming Obstacles | Leadership in Uncertainty | Change Management

Why plans fail? How teams crumble? What are the key tools that ensure you will get to the top? The flags have to reach the top – I will show you how!”

Cathy O’Dowd

Pata Degerman, Global Explorer

Pata draws on the many parallels between how high-achieving companies succeed and how well an expeditionary team performs. Good planning is essential in both instances – having clear goals and targets and then putting in the planning to achieve them. This of course does not mean being so rigid that if circumstances change then plans cannot be adapted to take advantage of new scenarios. In addition to planning, complete trust is needed by all team members for each other. All these are facets of both successful business and expedition teams.

“A lot of our actions are limited by barriers we’ve created in our mind, but we can learn to ignore them, because they’re not real. You shouldn’t hold yourself back just because an idea seems impossible at first. We’re doing things today that seemed impossible fifty years ago! Remember that a new idea is never good, unless you share it”.

Pata Degerman

Patan aiheita:Impossible to Mount SISU | Antarctica -93.0 ° C” | The Mental Opening to New Patterns of Action and Thinking | Deep Cooperation in High Mountains.

3 joulukuun 2020

Never ever give up! Start next year with great adventurers!